Thursday, May 24, 2012

Arctic Moon

I drift in a sleepless dream
Too tired to sleep;
Too alert to stay awake.
When into the corners of my dream,
A light slowly seeps.
Just a little at first,
As it comes in the cracks,
Then suddenly I jump awake -
The wall awash with light.
I fumble to open the window
And am instantly dazed with wonder
At the beauty of the moon.

She glows with a regal splendour,
Surveying sleeping clouds,
As they float along the sky-currents.
Below them, cold, unseen,
The merciless Mere grudgingly obeys.
Little frostlings dance on my window before their queen,
Rejoicing in the cold crystalline air.
And Luna smiles over her dominion,
And the brightness hurts my eyes.

There, off the coast of Greenland,
I saw what ancient man held in high reverence.
Suspended twixt earth and sky,
I have walked on the verge of Heaven,
And there is no going back.

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