Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Illinois Night

I have to travel outside the city
I have to get away from
People and the fake little lights of people,
Erected against Nature to hold at bay the
Purity of stars.
Lurid lights, shining on weary people,
Casting a grim spell of weariness and emptiness –
Oh, wake up! Nature's Night is calling you!

But people would rather hide behind imposter suns,
Vainly grasping at a dream of permanent day,
Spreading their neon blight across the globe.
Who can blame them? They are afraid
That night will overtake them,
That the fierce chastity of the stars will undo them.

The stars keep silent vigil, looking for the ones
Brave enough to seek them, and silent enough to join cricket choirs
As they worship in lonely cathedrals.
But beware – the stars will engrave their beauty into
The deepest parts of your soul.